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After Midnight - Adam

Writer's picture: Kelly TothKelly Toth

Adam Czarny was unpacking the groceries that he had picked up for the night's New Year's Eve celebration and for brunch the following morning. Just about everyone would bring some additional drinks and snacks, so head only gotten some basic beer/champagne/alcohol/mixers and easy apps. He was setting some of the snacks up on the kitchen counter where the Keurig normally sat, as they wouldn't need that tonight, but he would definitely pull it back out again tomorrow morning for very necessary New Year's Day caffeine.

Brunch and resolutions had been a New Year's Day staple for ages, and Adam regretfully thought that this might be the year that he might have to move on from his usual resolution to start a relationship with the girl of his dreams. I mean, I haven't even seen Dahlia in years, he pondered, but since she may not come tonight, I'll probably have to decide tomorrow morning if I should officially give up on that dream. Adam sighed and thought about how sure he had always been that they were perfect for one another. He didn't know if he was ready to simply push that aside and eventually be open to finding someone else. He had certainly dated over the past four years, but he had never felt a connection with any of those girls like he had with Dahlia, and that just cemented his belief that Dahlia was the one for him.

He showered and took a little extra time to pick out his clothes, just in case Dahlia did happen to show up. He didn't consider himself the least bit fashionable, but there was no need to be in just a hoodie and ratty jeans on New Years's Eve, especially if she was able to make it. He settled for a nice-ish button-down flannel with some green and gold in the pattern and then pulled on his favorite not ratty jeans.

Too bad Kevin is away for the holidays, Adam lamented as he went back down the stairs, I feel like I finally need to talk this out with someone. Kevin had always been an exceptionally good, non-judgmental listener who also had no qualms about calling bullshit or playing devil's advocate. Adam had never shared his feelings for Dahlia with anyone, not even Kevin, but now that he could be on the brink of putting that dream behind him, he felt like he could use some honest advice.

Before he could second-guess himself, Adam quickly shot Kevin a text: have had feelings for dahlia since hs. if she doesn't come to nye tonight I'll have to get over it. don't know when I would ever see her to tell her in person. Then he tossed the phone down on the counter and walked away from it, his heart beating quicker than usual. It felt good to put it out there, but it made it all the more real (and terrifying) at the same time. Adam's phone buzzed. He whipped back around, took three quick strides back to the counter, picked up the phone and looked at it. A nervous laugh of relief escaped as he read Kevin's response: no shit. like i couldn't tell. whether she shows or not let her know. 100% perfect match. Adam laughed again - a real laugh this time. Leave it to Kevin to not only know how I was feeling but to make me feel less crazy about it.

Adam re-read Kevin's text a few more times to reassure himself that it was real and then slid his phone into the back pocket of his jeans. He still had a few last-minute things to set up for the night, and it was getting close to when people would start arriving. Different scenarios of how tonight might playout ran through his mind as he set up a couple of speakers for the night's music. Of course, they'll have the ball drop on the muted tv so everyone could watch the new year arrive. Hopefully a really good new year.




The Relentless Butterfly

About Kelly
Author Kelly Toth

Originally from Connecticut, I currently live in New Hampshire with my family and pets. Writing has always been my passion, and I am excited to share my works in progress with you. Be sure to check back regularly as these stories evolve and I begin to add new ones.


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